Our magazine

Starting from 1990, the Unione forense per la tutela dei diritti umani publishes the quarterly journal “I diritti dell’uomo. Cronache e battaglie”, published by Editoriale Scientifica s.r.l. since 2014. The magazine serves the purpose of critical information and documentation on the normative and jurisprudential landscape of human rights, constituting a valuable reference point for legal practitioners, human rights activists, action movements and non-governmental organizations. The Presidency of the Council of Ministers and the Department for Information and Publishing, within the Human Rights Observatory, have recognized this crucial role. The journal has also obtained the high patronage of UNESCO and the recognition by the Ministry of Culture as a journal of high scientific and cultural value.

I diritti dell’uomo. Cronache e battaglie is widely distributed both nationally and internationally in international organisations, national institutions, universities, libraries, Italian cultural institutes, and other entities interested in the topic.

The journal is organised in thematic sections. Indeed, every issue includes:

  • An editorial focused on contemporary national and international human rights issues;
  • An essay section often curated by important personalities, contributing to the journal’s scientific value;
  • comments and notes section that gathers the opinions of leading experts regarding the functioning and activities of the bodies designed to ensure the respect of human rights;
  • Eleven columns focused on case-law and legislation updates;
  • The so-called giornale a più voci, in which human rights experts debate key issues offering a wide variety of perspectives and contributing to the great battle for human rights;
  • documents section, which is dedicated to the selection and translation of the most recent national and international case law on the subject, as well as relevant legislations.

In the framework of the counter-power function that the press must have in any democracy, the Unione forense per la tutela dei diritti umani claims, through the instrument of the journal, its role as a witness of events and at the same time its capacity as an association committed to the constant protection of human rights.

Journal Staff

Director | Lawyer Anton Giulio Lana

Vice-director | Dr. Giorgio Zanchini | Cons. Lucia Tria

Editor-in-Chief | Professor Matteo Carbonelli

Scientific Committee | Professor Enzo Cannizzaro | Professor Francesco Casavola | Professor Sabino Cassese | Professor Giuseppe Cataldi | Professor Pasquale De Sena | Professor Andrea Di Porto | Professor Filippo Donati | Professor Giorgio Gaja | Professor Flavia Lattanzi | Professor Vittorio Manes | Professor Sergio Marchisio | Professor Cesare Mirabelli | Professor Fausto Pocar | Professor Virginio Rognoni | Professor Augusto Sinagra | Professor Giorgio Spangher | Professor Ugo Villani | Professor Claudio Zanghì

Drafting Committee | Dr. Silvana Arbia | Dr. Mariangela Cecere | Lawyer Maurizio de Stefano | Lawyer Fabio Gullotta | Dr. Fabio Marcelli | Lawyer Mario Melillo | Lawyer Giuliano Pisapia | Lawyer Francesco Rosi | Lawyer Andrea Saccucci (editor in chief)| Lawyer Alessio Sangiorgi | Dr. Roberto Saviano | Dr. Andrea Tamietti

Editorial Staff | Paola Curci |Gioia Silvagni

Subscription Conditions

One-year subscription (three copies) – Italy: € 90,00
One-year subscription – abroad: € 120,00
Single copy: € 35,00

Methods of payment:

The payment can be directed to:
• bank account 10543809 in the name of Editoriale Scientifica s.r.l., via San Biagio dei Librai 39, 80138 Napoli;
• or bank account Monte dei Paschi di Siena – Ag. 19 Na – in the name of: Editoriale Scientifica, IBAN code IT40 A010 3003 4240 0000 0091 134.

Publishing house: Editoriale Scientifica s.r.l.

Editorials of the journal

The editorial of the journal “I diritti dell’uomo. Cronache e battaglie”, curated by the Director, Professor Anton Giulio Lana, aims to deepen the analysis of current issues in the field of human rights, of national or international nature.

The editorials offer interesting inputs on the most modern and complex issues concerning fundamental rights, drawing inspiration from the most important legislative, jurisprudential or social news.

You can find the editorials of the most recent volumes of the journal below, published every four months.

Editoriale n. 2/2024

I diritti dell’uomo. Cronache e battaglie

Editoriale n. 1/2024

I diritti dell’uomo. Cronache e battaglie

Editoriale n. 3/2023

I diritti dell’uomo. Cronache e battaglie

Editoriale n. 2/2023

I diritti dell’uomo. Cronache e battaglie

Editoriale n. 1/2023

I diritti dell’uomo. Cronache e battaglie

Editoriale n. 3/2022

I diritti dell’uomo. Cronache e battaglie

Editoriale n. 2/2022

I diritti dell’uomo. Cronache e battaglie

Editoriale n. 1/2022

I diritti dell’uomo. Cronache e battaglie